Shinsengumi, manga by Osamu Tezuka, will be adapted into a dorama – Ambrosia
The Shinsengumi manga, written by Osamu Tezuka, will have a live-action adaptation by the Japanese TV network Asashi. The series will be directed by Hayato Kawai, from Kaguya-sama: Love is War, with Fumi Tsubota scripting the episodes.
The plot, which was originally published in 1963, takes place in Japan in the 1800s and follows a man who, seeking revenge for his own murder, joins the elite defense troops of the powerful Shogun. There, he will make an unlikely and dangerous new friendship. For now, further plot details and the cast of the drama have not been announced.
The manga is an iconic work by Tezuka, who is considered the “father of modern manga”. Let’s follow!