In a captivating new limited series titled “Expats,” Academy Award-winning actress Nicole Kidman takes center stage, portraying the enigmatic character of Margaret. The...
SlackDecember 19, 2023Disney wants to continue the legacy of The X-Files, one of the strongest brands it acquired with its acquisition of the Fox studio,...
SlackDecember 18, 2023Bob Dylan, the legendary singer-songwriter and Nobel Prize laureate, has long been celebrated for his poetic lyrics and profound musical contributions. Now, in...
SlackDecember 18, 2023One of the most heartfelt deaths in the entertainment industry, Matthew Perry continues to generate interest. The toxicology report released today (15) by...
SlackDecember 16, 2023HBO has confirmed that the 12th season of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” will be its last. The series, starring the inimitable Larry David, has...
SlackDecember 14, 2023Another day on the internet… In a – nothing – amazing situation, an American author of a science fiction book created fake profiles...
SlackDecember 12, 2023The saga continues as award-winning filmmaker Denis Villeneuve embarks on “Dune: Part Two,” the next chapter of Frank Herbert’s celebrated novel Dune, with...
SlackDecember 12, 2023Warner Bros. Discovery revealed on Tuesday that music streaming giant Spotify will host the media conglomerate’s podcasts. Megaphone, Spotify’s enterprise podcast platform, will...
SlackDecember 12, 2023The Hollywood actors and screenwriters’ strike, which took place in July 2023 until practically the end of the year, affected the production of...
SlackDecember 12, 2023In a recent interview with the creators of the popular Netflix series, Stranger Things, they described the final season as “the biggest it’s...
SlackDecember 11, 2023