In a captivating new limited series titled “Expats,” Academy Award-winning actress Nicole Kidman takes center stage, portraying the enigmatic character of Margaret. The show, based on Janice Y.K. Lee’s best-selling novel “The Expatriates,” delves into the lives of a close-knit group of expatriates living in the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong.
The plot of the miniseries takes place in 2014 and shows Kidman, Sarayu Blue (Never Have I Ever) and Ji-young Yoo (The Sky Is Everywhere) as three women living in Hong Kong whose lives become intertwined through tragedy.
As they navigate cultural differences, relationships, and the challenges of living abroad, secrets unravel, alliances form, and unexpected connections emerge. “Expats” promises to be a riveting journey through the glittering skyscrapers and hidden alleyways of Hong Kong—a city that both embraces and challenges those who seek refuge within its borders. As Margaret embarks on her quest for renewal, viewers will be drawn into a world where every choice carries consequences and every relationship holds secrets.
“Expats” marks the television debut of acclaimed filmmaker Lulu Wang, known for her poignant work in movies like “The Farewell.” With her keen eye for storytelling, Wang brings Lee’s novel to life, capturing the essence of Hong Kong’s vibrant expat scene.
The premiere is scheduled for January 26th, on Prime Video.