After a 26-year hiatus, the legendary fighting game franchise Fatal Fury is making a triumphant return with its latest installment: “Fatal Fury: City...
SlackMarch 19, 2024The saga continues as award-winning filmmaker Denis Villeneuve embarks on “Dune: Part Two,” the next chapter of Frank Herbert’s celebrated novel Dune, with...
SlackDecember 12, 2023Most anticipated game of the decade is scheduled for release in 2025
Cesar MonteiroDecember 5, 2023Fans of the iconic sci-fi franchise, Star Trek, are in for an interstellar treat! The eagerly awaited final season of “Star Trek: Discovery”...
SlackDecember 5, 2023The DC Universe is about to witness an epic animated event that promises to redefine superhero storytelling. The “Justice League: Crisis on Infinite...
SlackNovember 24, 2023Fans of the legendary battle-action manga/anime series Yu Yu Hakusho have reason to rejoice! After more than 30 years since its initial publication,...
AmberNovember 11, 2023Netflix has just unleashed a prehistoric storm of excitement with the announcement of their upcoming animated series, “Jurassic World: Chaos Theory.” The teaser...
AmberNovember 10, 2023After a decade of anticipation, the gaming world is buzzing with excitement as Rockstar Games has officially and formally announced Grand Theft Auto...
AmberNovember 8, 2023